a black woman with curly hair looking out the window

Worry doesn’t have to be constant in your life



You are not alone.

When you suffer from anxiety, the smallest thing can trigger your worry — shopping at the grocery store, eating at a new restaurant, the thought of going to work, or even having a conversation with family and friends. Major life transitions such as entering the workforce, having a family, managing being a single mom, preparing to get married, or life after a divorce may increase anxiety. These anxious feelings can impact your focus, memory, sleep, physical health, and more. Anxiety may leave you angry, irritable, unable to make decisions, feeling like you have too much on your plate, or questioning if you are a good parent, partner, or friend.

Anxiety is any prolonged feeling of fear, worry, or dread about expected or unexpected outcomes. Research by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. It affects 40 million adults in the U. S., which is about 18% of the nation’s population. Less than half of these adults suffering from anxiety get treatment, and more are likely undiagnosed. Not getting treatment for your anxiety does not make it go away. Instead of ignoring your feelings, take the time to understand them and deal with your anxiety.

a black woman with dreads in her office having anxious thoughts
a black girl with curly hair in the library having anxious thoughts
a black woman with glasses having anxious thoughts

How has your stress level been lately?

Anxiety is treatable, and you deserve to treat yourself to excellent mental health. Here at FullScope Counseling, we have therapists with the experience to help you navigate these feelings as you learn how to react to your stressors. Our approach centers on facilitating behavior change for every client using a customized treatment plan based on your level of anxiety.

Living with anxiety isn’t easy. You are in the right place to find solutions for your anxiety. Seeking therapy services is a great decision. FullScope therapists listen to your concerns and your needs so that you can live your best life. We will help by examining your thoughts and managing exposure to your triggers. The goal is not to avoid or remove the triggers but to change how you think about them or prepare to deal with things that cause you to worry.


What would life after anxiety treatment look like?

Imagine being able to answer your phone without panicking, feeling safe when outside of your home, engaging in social activities with a new level of ease, or falling asleep and staying asleep. Working together, we aim to help you manage your anxiety. While the results won't’ be automatic, the impact will be long-lasting as you continue the treatment process.

a black woman sitting peacefully doing yoga

Anxiety treatment can help you feel better

The type of therapy used to treat anxiety is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT addresses negative patterns and distortions in the way we look at the world and ourselves. As the name suggests, this involves two main components: 1) Cognitive therapy examines how negative thoughts, or cognitions, contribute to anxiety. 2) Behavior therapy examines how you behave and react in situations that trigger anxiety.

The basic premise of CBT is that our thoughts—not external events—affect the way we feel. In other words, it’s not the situation you’re in that determines how you feel, but your perception of the situation. Most people accept anxiety as part of their lives, it doesn’t have to be that way. The first step is to acknowledge that you are impacted by anxiety.


You may believe therapy can help you but you still have questions about anxiety treatment.

  • Therapy is an effective tool in reducing and eliminating anxiety. You will always experience uncomfortable moments in life or situations that will create a natural anxious response. A healthy level of anxiety can keep you alert and motivate you to complete tasks or accomplishments. However, our goal is to teach you how to deal with those moments and feelings so that they do not become overwhelming or a permanent state of being.

  • Anxiety and depression are related in the sense that one can cause the other to occur. The relationship is complicated because it’s a cycle in which an untreated anxiety disorder may increase depression. If a client is struggling with anxiety and depression, both issues can be treated at the same time.

  • Anxiety isn’t called by one thing in particular. Depending on various environmental factors, an individual can develop anxiety as a response to triggers. It is important to identify the causes of your anxiety so you can respond in a way that helps you lead a productive life.


Get help managing your anxiety

If you have experienced consistent stress, it’s time to talk about it. You don’t have to continue living with stress and worry. Get in touch with us to receive a FREE 15 min phone consultation.