Therapy Can Help You Release The Weight of Past Trauma and Find Peace Within


There Is No Reason To Be Ashamed.

Did you experience a traumatic event?

Are you struggling to sleep at night?

Do you feel triggered around certain people or places?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is becoming a buzzword word that people use to describe reactions to less than desirable situations. However, trauma is a severe condition that goes beyond being temporarily upset about a life event. Trauma physically alters the brain, which impacts your response to people, places, and things in your life. According to the American Psychiatric Association, people with PTSD have intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings related to their experience that last long after the traumatic event has ended. From childhood to adulthood, various events have the potential to create a trauma response.


We Address The Familiar Sources Of Trauma.

  • Childhood: Our early life can be plagued by traumatic incidents such as abandonment, abuse, bullying, chronic illness, loss/absence of a parent, violence, or more. When left untreated, this can alter how you view life and engage with others.

  • Grief: Losing someone or something you care about can damage you emotionally and have long-lasting effects if not adequately addressed.

  • Medical: A threat to your life or quality of life has the ability to interrupt the way you perform daily tasks and make lifestyle choices.

  • Natural Disaster: Experiencing a natural disaster can also cause trauma. The fear and threat to your safety impact the way you function.

  • Sexual Abuse: Threats to your body and safety can affect your confidence and how secure you feel about interacting in the world.

  • Violence (both domestic and criminal): Threats to your life or physical well-being causes both mental and physical responses when you perceive that you are still in danger of being a victim.

  • War: The physical conditions of war can distort how you think about the world around you. Dealing with civilian life may prove to be more difficult than enduring that actual act of war or the traumatic event experienced during the war.

Individuals who experience one of these events, or something similar, maybe impacted by Acute, Chronic, or Complex Trauma. It doesn't matter whether it's a single incident (acute), repeated and prolonged incidents (chronic), or prolonged exposure to a variety of traumatic events (complex); the impact of trauma can create emotional and physical problems for you.

Some trauma symptoms are anger, anxiety, insomnia, mood swings, nightmares, panic attacks, withdrawal from conversations, and more. Like any other mental condition, everybody responds differently to trauma, so it is best to ask professionals like FullScope Counseling for help.


Trauma Therapy Can Help Ease Your Pain.

We can't change the traumatic event, but we can work to change how it impacts your life. Our goal will be to refocus on the present and increase your daily functioning by empowering you with skills to overcome the maemory of what you experienced. Through treatment, you will be able to replace fear with courage, learn new coping skills, begin to trust yourself and others, reduce negative thoughts, and stop harmful behaviors. No matter how recent or long ago the event took place, treatment options are available so that you can thrive after experiencing trauma.


You May Believe Therapy Can Help You, But You Still Have Questions About Trauma Counseling.

  • FullScope Counseling has an excellent reputation for assisting individuals who are impacted by a traumatic event. Research also shows that people professionally treated for trauma have a 75% or greater reduction in their trauma symptoms. Give yourself a chance to thrive after trauma.

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Start Living A Life Of Freedom From Trauma

You can't make your feelings go away by ignoring that something life-altering happened to you. We provide a safe space for you to start your healing with our team of exceptional and experienced therapists to guide you. Contact us to get started with a free 15-minute phone consultation to learn how we can help you.